This list will grow and be rearranged as new mods are checked and the idea is to also split it into subgroups pertinent to the sub-mod's corresponding individual type, scope and magnitude, based on Korbah's complete list of CK2 mods.
It disregards beta versions and will list the sub-mods in a chronological order from the latest version of the AGOT mod, as well as contain some basic information on the individual sub-mods and whether incompatibility or major buggyness has been reported or not. Its purpose is to help determine and present in an clear way the compatibility of individual CKII:AGOT sub-mods (and, hopefully, raise interest in some of the mods including perhaps resurrect some of the outdated ones).
Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones User Modification Indexĭisclaimer: This list is a work in progress that will gradually be updated.