To import it on another Android device simply click on “Import from storage” option and choose your file from “SD Card”.On the notification tray, you will find that your all contacts have been successfully exported.Click on the “List icon” of your Android phone.Open “Contacts” app on your Android phone.Below is the steps to backup your contacts from Android to SD Card using this “Contacts” app. This app will allow you to manage your contact list. Although, we will use only preinstalled app which is “Contacts”. How To Backup Android Contacts To SD Cardīy following this method you will be able to backup up your contacts from your Android phone to your SD card very easily. Read more: How to Delete all Facebook Messages at Once on PC/Android We will cover each and every method in this article. Several users are asking for the method to backup Android contacts to MicroSD, Gmail, cloud and much more. We have received so many emails for Backup contacts tricks.