their preview pic actually shows what brow17 looks like instead of brow11 (so just know that if you want pick and choose, do it from my previews and all the meshes and recolors should match according to my previews too) Whew this was a long project lol anyway have some various maxis match-y brows in noodles sorbet ^^ also for those who arent downloading all of the brows, make sure to check below in the bulleted for one of the recolors ! Repost of my eyebrows megaset (uploaded with mediafire when is simfileshare comin back? :’( )
” target=”blank” style=”default” background=”#2D89EF” color=”#FFFFFF” size=”5″ wide=”no” center=”yes” radius=”auto” icon=”” icon_color=”#FFFFFF” text_shadow=”none” desc=”” onclick=”” rel=”” title=”” id=”” class=””]Download Here
Top Sims 4 Maxis Match Eyebrows list for all genders.