Lvl 10: Sundering - Most of the time you'll use this Lvl 7: Wind Sear - Reduces the Cooldown of Windfury (E) All dependent on the map and who I was playing with. *Lvl 4: Situational - All the others are really good, but I'd probably go for extra mana or more chain lighting.
Against any other assassin or support, Envenom is gonna rip right through them once they are stunned (W) and then beaten down with (E) Lvl 4: Envenom - DoT (Yes it was nerfed, but this combos well with 'W' and 'E') I know I will catch **** for this ability, but the fact is, I like it. Lvl 1: Rolling Thunder - Increases Range of Chain Lightning Both have very high burst damage and they can either slow or stun their opponents from range, which makes me the clean-up crew. Well what I mean is, and you'll see in any of my game play is I love playing along side Jaina or Kael'thas.
Especially, when I learned how well combos with high burst damage heroes.
Thrall, as soon as I learned him, instantly became my favorite.